The Cuban culture

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Bet by the new times.

A young artic tendency consolidates in Cuba, gains space and experience
From the Capitol, Wall costs down by the street, the city tries to appear again between its immense columns and it rusts of the inner doors and iron gates. Havana Old Colloquy is opened infinite before esp?tu renovador of VIII the Sal?y the International of Digital Art that, annually, summons the Cultural Center Pablo de la Torriente Brau.
To almost one dada, the numbers count their own history. The quantitative and qualitative increase of the samples and the level of the tacos encounter, seam the prestige reached about the digital artic movement, sometimes misestimated in the events of visual arts that are generated in the orb.
" To be worships is the only way of being free " ........ Jose Martí.

They inagurate exhibition on Postal History.

More than 100 collections of several regions of Cuba they were including in a exhibition on the postal history of the Island, inaugurated in tribute to develops happened revolutionary Day of the National Revolt.
The sample constitutes a tribute to anniversary 53 of the assault to the Moncada Quarter, happened fact the 26 of July of 1953 under the orders of Fidel.
" To be worships is the only way of being free " ........ Jose Martí.

Cuba Pavilion: Again like Cultural Bazaar.

With an ample range of products that heighten the aesthetic values of the Cuban culture, as well as artistic presentations, it will open to his doors the first of July Fair Art in the Incline, that will occupy the Cuba Pavilion until the 27 of August.
“Mayor quality, diversity and impact are the expectations of the fair, whose objective is to promote and to commercialize cultural goods and services, like an attractive option during verano”.
" To be worships is the only way of being free " ........ Jose Martí.

Glances common in Bay.

Cuba took to II the Conference the International of Intellectuals of Africa and the Diáspora in Bay the conviction that solidarity with Africa does not have to be confused with the charity and of that of American afrodescendientes and the condition life African is not solved by means of neoliberal prescriptions. Their representatives insisted on the necessity to know us and to recognize us better, to defend the cultural diversity and to unite wills and vocations to save the secular obstacles that have prevented the access to the vital fullness of our towns.
" To be worships is the only way of being free " ........ Jose Martí.

Let us Denounce The Aggresion of Israel against The lebanon and Palestine.

The Cuban chapter of the network of networks "In Defense of the Humanity" summons social intellectuals, artists, activists and to all the honest people of the planet to that they denounce by the routes to his reach the brutal aggression of Israel against the Lebanon and its genocida scaling against the Palestinian town.
" To be worships is the only way of being free " ........ Jose Martí.

5th Edition of the Julio Cortazar Iberia-American Prize

More than 400 works from 18 countries of Latin America, Europe and Asia are competing in the fifth edition of the Julio Cortazar Ibero-American Award, which jury is in session in Cuba.
Sources of the organizing committee stated that the number of works stands as the largest received since the foundation of the event, created by writer and editor Ugne Karvelis, who had a sentimental attachment to Cortazar.
" To be worships is the only way of being free " ........ Jose Martí.

Monday, July 24, 2006

And that creative desire of the Cubans to make always something new and in benefit of all is noticed with growing intensity. In function of that objective they are the audiovisual programs for children and young; the university classrooms for television; the revitalized schools of art instructors' formation; the projects of community culture; the editorials in the counties; the gradual transformation in the social and environmental image of towns and agricultural communities. To articulate the cultural life of the country is a common cause. That fabric will only this way leave adjusting more and more.
" To be worships is the only way of being free " ........ Jose Martí.
These are times of courage, will, efforts to face adversity, and thanks to it the machine that moves all the system of the Cuban culture has continued working, fitting its speed and even increasing it. We work in very complex conditions, to preserve the artistic wealth of the country and all its cultural patrimony. Novel and large reach projects already success. Enthusiasm and bravery must mark these times, when the danger of the cultural absorption and the erosion of the identities hangs on the world. For that reason - as our Commander has said- for the national culture, a true war in Cuba is carry on. And considering, mainly, that is indeed the school a fundamental link in the persistence to prepare - since childhood- women and men able to preserve the highest values of our society. This is a battle of ideas, thought, and integral culture.
" To be worships is the only way of being free " ........ Jose Martí.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

The Colmenita captivated in Germany.

Great expectation continues creating the performance of the Colmenita, whose spectacle the stories of Andersen will close east Friday 9no. World-wide festival of Theater done by Children, whom place in the city of Lingen takes, Germany.
"I believe that we are going to cause an excellent impression, in addition already they announced us that we are the only group that will act Friday in the Closing, and that will be the only function to that they attend the main authorities of Sajonia Loss, ordered to approve the bottoms for the next encounter. That is to say, that touches the same responsibility to us that in the 2002, when modestly we helped all the Festival. Every day we trained very it last and we are crazy because the moment arrives for representing the Cayman ".
" To be worships is the only way of being free " ........ Jose Martí.

Cultural roots.

The Cuban population is a melting pot of ethnic mixes from every corner of the world. The more significant roots in the Cuban nationality are Spanish and African. The first was the result of migration from the metropolis, which has been going on throughout our history more or less regularly. African roots also left a very particular mark in the process of the formation of Cuban culture. In the present definition of Cuban culture, these roots shape the basis of traditions, culture and popular believes.
" To be worships is the only way of being free " ........ Jose Martí.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The Cuban culture.

The culture of any country has been always the maximum expression of its identity. In our country a huge battle is carry out to transmit the culture to each place of the island. Each citizen is involved in this process to show the world ours idiosyncrasy through all the expression of art.

The culture is the first to save, sentenced Fidel when the rigors of the special period were really extreme and tested the survival of the Cuban Revolution, which was put under a cruel economic war. All over the history the defense of the national culture has been considered, because of the significance it has concerning historical memory, people’s roots, Cuban traditions essence.
" To be worships is the only way of being free " ........ Jose Martí.
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