The Cuban culture

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Day of solidarity of Cuban young people with the Five

Camagüey, 19 ene. Like part of the actions that makes Cuban youth by the return of the Five unjustly imprisoned young people in the United States, a solidarity day will be carried out from 1ºde February to the 30 of April.
During this date the University Brigades Antimperialistas (BAU) will retake themselves, arisen in 1996 in City of Havana. Its initial objective was to explain in the main centers of production, services and sciences, the consequences of the law Helms Burton and the blockade economic, products of the genocida policy of the United States against Cuba.
This time, the BAU extend to all the municipalities of Cuba and will arrive at the main educational centers, of health, production and the sports to make, in addition to encounter to reflection and debates, conferences on the present time of the case of the Five, as it is known them world-wide.
In the province of Camagüey the brigades are integrated by university students, leaders of the Union of Jo'venes Comunistas (UJC) and the Student Federation of Education Average (FEEM), Social and Instructional Workers of Art, adding a total of 294 lecturers.
" To be worships is the only way of being free " ........ Jose Martí.

Social forum discusses problematic of the world.

Nairobi, 21 ene (PL) a vast phantom of preoccupations, from nourishing sovereignty, the information like communal property, infantile work, right commerce, and activism of the movement hip hop, was exposed today in VII Foro Social Mundial (FSM).
In the second day of megaevento that it takes place in Nairobi impressed the official testimonies and data that in the Forum Mali exposed to denounce the migratory situation of that country and the rest of Africa.
The ponentes described the atmosphere of violence that usually brings prepared the exodus towards the North, like part of an unbreakable circle by the accentuation of the poverty.
The nourishing sovereignty, subject of particular impact in the African context, appeared like a challenge in which the black continent call looks for to interlace networks for initiatives of work in favor of the right to the feeding of million people.
Members of the Caucus Human Dignity and Human rights, that were pronounced on the subject, said to Latin Press that a third of the population of sub-Sahara Africa is almost undernourished and the number grows progressively.
Supported in data recognized by the UN, the ponentes they indicated that almost half of the African residents to the south of the Sahara lives in the poverty, and more of the 40 percent of the homes has less of a dollar per day.
Other social sectors, for their side, pleaded for the defense of the information like a communal property of the humanity, and denounced the transnational companies that concentrate main means of diffusion at a time of convergence of technologies.
Culture and biodiversity, Arab diáspora and transnacionalismo, the right of the people to a worthy work within Metas de Desarrollo of the Millenium fixed by the UN, and free software like mechanism to share the power, was in debate.
Between than thousand 300 activities the more self-managed of VII the FSM, a factory questioned the European aid to countries of Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific, to condition it to which they create are good models of governability and democracy.
Also, the economic subject deserved incisors analysis, in as much condemned the agreements of free commerce impelled by the United States and the European Union, when considering them strategies to strengthen its agendas of corporative globalización.
The grouping Young Venezuelan against the imperialism and in defense of the revolution in its country presented/displayed an ample one and detailed information about the most needed the bolivarianas social missions to the service of.
The own exhibitors described as inevitable the mention to Cuba by the magnitude of the cooperation offered in the matter of health, education and social welfare to the Venezuelan town.
In the one of the carps raised in the Sport Center Moi International, seat of the forum, the Ecumenical Network on the Water demanded "to socialize" the vital liquid, while the Network South Jubileo denounced the ilegitimidad of the debts, public as as much external.
Members of the Cultural Association Rosso Point, of Italy, indicated to strategies and challenges of the world-wide movement front to the Socialism of century XXI, and the Global Platform of Citizens alerted of the negative consequences of the climatic change.
But the spaces of the FSM are so ample that singing of hip hop sensitized on the convenience of articulating actions with nongovernmental groups.
" To be worships is the only way of being free " ........ Jose Martí.
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