The Cuban culture

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Bet by the new times.

A young artic tendency consolidates in Cuba, gains space and experience
From the Capitol, Wall costs down by the street, the city tries to appear again between its immense columns and it rusts of the inner doors and iron gates. Havana Old Colloquy is opened infinite before esp?tu renovador of VIII the Sal?y the International of Digital Art that, annually, summons the Cultural Center Pablo de la Torriente Brau.
To almost one dada, the numbers count their own history. The quantitative and qualitative increase of the samples and the level of the tacos encounter, seam the prestige reached about the digital artic movement, sometimes misestimated in the events of visual arts that are generated in the orb.
" To be worships is the only way of being free " ........ Jose Martí.


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