The Cuban culture

Friday, September 15, 2006

They demand in Peru release of a prisoner of five Cubans in the U.S.A..

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Diverse Peruvian organizations of solidarity with Cuba gave to this Thursday in Lima a strong accolade to the order of release of a prisoner of five retained Cuban antiterrorist fighters in the United States eight years ago. Gustavo Espinoza, president of the Peruvian Committee by the Liberation of the Five (as it is known him those imprisoned young people), assured that the island symbolizes the fight of the towns by its sovereignty and the development.During an act, conducted as opposed to the residence of the North American ambassador in that Andean country, the presents demanded the immediate liberation of Gerald Hernandez, Ramon Labañino, Antonio Guerrero, René González and Fernando González.To the appointment, that meant the beginning in Peru of the world-wide day in more than 90 countries by the liberation of the five young people went tens of representatives of Peruvian-Cuban Houses of the Friendship and forces of left.The meeting that was developed of pacific form was guarded by personeros of Peruvian bodies of security dressed civilian and cash of the National Police, stated Latin Press.
" To be worships is the only way of being free " ........ Jose Martí.


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